Monthly Archives: October 2014

Location: Mines of the Jeweled Ones

On the far side of the River of Fire are the underground Mines of the Jeweled Ones. They are reached through an underground passage that runs far beneath the River of Fire, and apparently unknown to the Jeweled Ones, also via a tunnel from the Lair of the Reptile-Men.

The mines are worked by human men (the grown male offspring of the Cave-Women that are not selected for other tasks.) It is rare for a man to try to escape from the mines, since they have been raised since infancy by the Jeweled Ones and know no other life.

The Cave-Women will occasionally hazard the trip through the Lair of the Reptile-Men to go in search of mates, since the only other men they know of are the jungle savages.

The mines are but one part of a complex of industries in the second ring of the Island in the Hidden Sea of Fire.

Categories: Gaming, retro, RPG | Tags: , , , , ,

More Inspirations for “Island in the Hidden Sea of Fire”

Several weeks ago watched these:

OneMillionBCOne Million Years B.C.

AtTheEarthsCoreAt The Earth’s Core

Part of the delay in posting was waiting for a copy of “When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth” to show up. Which it finally did today.

At The Earth’s Core” is an astounding movie as inspiration for a game setting. The 1970’s effects somehow work well with the Victorian-era characters and sensibilities.

I have gotten the book editions from “Bison Frontiers of the Imagination” for “The Land That Time Forgot,” “At The Earth’s Core,” and “Pellucidar” and will be reading them someday when I have time.

Soon I will be watching “When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth” as well as “Mysterious Island” and the 2008 made-for-TV version of “Journey to the Center of the Earth.”

Categories: Gaming, movies, retro, RPG | Tags: , , , , ,

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