Time For A New Adventure?

This is not the post I had originally thought of for post #150 of this blog.

Every so often in life, a person realizes that they are just going through the motions on something.

So it is with this blog.

I have not played an RPG session in over 2 years, and in fact maybe a dozen times total since I started this blog.

My schedule just does not allow me to get together with anybody.

So I think it is time to put this blog on indefinite hiatus while I consider another outlet for my imagination – fiction writing.

Over 20 years ago, I wrote a few pretty bad science fiction stories when I was in college.

Characters nobody could understand or care about. Boring dialogue.

I just didn’t have either the life experience or the knowledge of the craft of writing to pull off the trick of getting the stories in my head into a form that others would care about reading.

Well, a few weeks ago I read Damon Knight’s “Creating Short Fiction.” I had bought a few writing books over recent years, but put them aside for “maybe later in life.”

I got to page 18 or so and found myself searching through boxes of old notebooks for anything that was left of my 20 year-old writing attempts.

I found some notes and outlines and scene drafts.

So I’m investing some time in reading some of those books about the craft of writing, and maybe just maybe I can go back to those old ideas for plots and make them work someday.

Just like RPGs were when I started this blog, writing fiction was something I had left behind years ago, until one day I just felt I had to give it another go.

I still feel I have things to communicate, but this blog is not the right platform at this point in my life.

I’ll leave this blog up for anybody who may stumble across it and maybe find some bit of something useful or inspirational for their gaming.

Maybe I’ll be back to the blog-o-sphere someday, but probably at a new blog.

Until then, I’d like to thank all the folks I have communicated with on RPG blogs and forums over the last few years for putting up with my ramblings.

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