Monthly Archives: May 2015

May 2015 Update

In the last month I have been very busy doing clinical hours and studying for certification test. Only a couple more weeks to go!

I did update the Big Page O’RPG Blog Links to over 100 links.

I also followed up April’s “Post-Apoc Movie Week” by reading some 1980’s post-apoc fiction: Paul O, Williams’ “The Ends of the Circle” which is Book 2 of “The Pelbar Cycle.” Had read Book 1 “The Storming of Northwall” a few months earlier. This is a very interesting series with a lot of details of various cultures large and small that exist in its future world.

Then I read the first 3 books of Patrick Tilley’s “Amtrak Wars” series: “Cloud Warrior” (which I had never read before), “The First Family” and “Iron Master” (the latter two I have had since about 1990 or so, just never had the first book until now). This is not on the same level as The Pelbar Cycle by any means, but it too depicts several competing cultures in the post-apoc future, with a lot more emphasis on intrigues and some sort of “magic” (which may very well turn out to be some kind of psionic abilities in later books).

Have also gotten quite a number of old SF / fantasy books for future reading. I already have a collection ranging into several hundred books, but there were some things I was not able to get back in the day due to lack of money as a teenager, and by the time I had some money all my local bookstores kept going out of business (not to mention publishers gradually abandoning the idea of an keeping the backlist in print).

In a few weeks I will be done with schooling and then it’s on to the job search. Hopefully at some point after that I might actually get a chance to participate in some actual gaming!

Categories: blogging, books, Gaming, retro, sci-fi | Tags: , ,

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