Monthly Archives: December 2014

From the Archives: KUNG-FU TOONS!

I have come across the writeup of a scenario for TOON by Steve Jackson Games I ran at ConnCon ’97. (The file is dated 1999, but that must be when I typed it up from my handwritten notes. I specifically remember it was 1997 as one day of the con was on April 1st that year 🙂

It’s only 4 pages long, but it ran for the whole 4-hour slot even though I only had 3 players at the table. TOON is good for having to improvise from brief notes; just make sure to watch a bunch of Looney Toons and Tom & Jerry before having to run a game.

Anyway, here it is:

Kung-Fu Toons

(I think I decided to dig up the file because I watched “Enter the Dragon” Thursday night for the first time in several years. The mind of a nerd works in strange ways.)

Categories: Gaming, RPG | Tags: , , , ,

December 2014 Update – LOOT!

Since the last post I have not made any further progress on “Island in the Hidden Sea of Fire.”

However I did finish the “re-reading Moorcock” project as laid out. Currently reading “Elric at the End of Time” which is more of a collection of “lost tales” than part of the actual sequence.

I also have gotten quite a pile of RPG books! Pics below.



Fantastic Heroes & Witchery, BOL & WOTRP

Fantastic Heroes & Witchery, BOL & WOTRP

Stonehell & Mutant Future

Stonehell & Mutant Future

I think that GURPS, BRP, and Fantastic Heroes & Witchery might be on the list of potential systems for writing up “Island in the Hidden Sea of Fire.”

Happy holidays, and hope to keep up with at least one update post a month in the coming year.

Categories: blogging, Gaming, RPG | Tags: , , , , ,

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