Posts Tagged With: software

World of Vikings & Mayans & Dinosaurs?

I spent some time playing around with the Donjon world generators.

After a lot of attempts, I ended up with this world using the SciFi World Generator (somehow the Fantasy World Generator and Fractal World Generator just didn’t seem to make anything I liked for potential regions to place the Vikings, Mayans, and Dinosuars).


Specifically, I needed enough land near the tropics as well as near the sub-arctic regions. Wanted an interesting coastline with lots of bays and water passages.

I am not really an artist or a mapper, but I’ll see what I can do with this.

Categories: campaign world, Gaming, map, RPG | Tags: , ,

Useful Tool – Zim Personal Desktop Wiki

Came across

Zim – A Desktop Wiki

and it looks kind of interesting as a possible tool to help create / keep records of an RPG campaign or game world.

It does export to HTML for publishing, although in some cases I had to hand-edit a few mis-formattings; it doesn’t seem to always get the HTML pages 100% consistent in how they look.

After a couple hours playing with it I made this test wiki. 30 minutes or less to make all the pages, and 90 minutes or more fixing the HTML and uploading it to web server. Remember, this was only the first time I ever used it; probably go faster in future.

It’s really quick and easy to use. It just has a few minor quirks if exporting to HTML. Sure beats creating individual web pages and hand-coding links.

Categories: campaign world, Gaming, RPG | Tags: , ,

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